My first year of self employment – one year of Yogaberry

Originally Posted 27 January 2016

So it’s just over a year since I set up my website and started my Yogaberry blog while training to be a yoga teacher… and of course looking after my own kids who are now 2 and 3 years old and certainly keep me busy! I’m now fully certified and am teaching regular yoga classes for adults and children which has been a dream of mine for a long time and is a complete change from what I did before I had my kids.

This is about how I got here, my career change and first year of self employment…


Before I trained to be a yoga teacher I was working in Sales & Marketing for a lovely luxury hotel group Constance Hotels (they get a link in here because they are truly amazing) in an office in Central London selling and marketing their hotels in the Indian Ocean.

I absolutely loved my job and the team that I was working with but it did involve lots of travelling which was great when I didn’t have kids but as soon as my daughter was born it all changed for me…

When Maya was 7 months old I went back to work four days a week during which time she was at a Childminder’s. I didn’t want to stay at work a minute later than I had to as I missed her so much. I felt I couldn’t throw myself into my job as I did before though so always had the feeling that what I did was never quite enough… At the same time I felt guilty because I wasn’t with my child for most of the week so when I fell pregnant again soon after I decided that I would probably not go back to work.

Financially it didn’t make sense in the short term but most importantly I wanted to be around my children.

So where does the yoga part come in?

I had been practising yoga since 2005 and since about 2008 I had been thinking about doing a teacher training “one day”. I didn’t really think that I would be able to make it a full time career (I’m still uncertain about this sometimes by the way) but I knew it was something that I enjoyed very much and that was good for my body.

Having suffered from back problems I knew that working in an office was not the best way to treat my back everyday!

So why didn’t I do this earlier?

Well I think I needed a reason or a push! Having my children meant that I had to rethink my professional life completely… the focus of my life had changed and I had to find a way to combine… well everything! I felt that it was the right time to think about what I really wanted to do which was only possible once the financial side was taken out of the equation. The childcare costs in the UK ultimately helped me to decide to take that leap (or pushed me out of work, however you want to see it).

Meanwhile yoga had become a tool for me which I could use to sort out my back when it wasn’t feeling great, it helped me through my pregnancies and the births and I wanted to share the benefits with the world!


The Blog

The first thing I did was to set up the Yogaberry blog during my teacher training. I just wanted to write about my experience but it soon became clear that reading about my family life is what people particularly enjoy and after all that is what inspires me at the moment!

I decided not to restrict my self to writing about yoga but anything that is important to me and of course my daily struggles and challenges. The challenges of bringing up children while setting up a business. Getting back in shape after two pregnancies, finding time for myself while trying to keep the house under control, keeping kids and husband happy, making sure every one stays healthy etc…

The Classes

In February 2015 I then started to teach yoga classes while I was still a teacher trainee. In June I finished my training and started setting up additional classes and did a 40 hour course to become a certified children’s yoga teacher. From there things have suddenly become really busy… so much that I actually had to make a conscious decision to slow down a little bit this year.

After all my kids are not in school yet and I mustn’t forget why I changed careers in the first place!

I am quite proud of what I have achieved in the last year. It certainly hasn’t been easy. I started classes, I dropped classes, I made losses, I made profits. Always thinking if it’s worth continuing. Never having enough time to take all the ideas that I have any further…

I’m very happy about what I’ve started with Yogaberry and can’t wait to see where it takes me!

Yes ok I might not have the security of a well paid job, paid holidays and all that comes with it but I love working for myself and my family. I’ve got lots of ideas, I’ve got plans but ultimately I know that we will be fine whatever happens.

The universe always provides.

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  1. Good on you for doing what you wanted, achieving your goal and being their for your kids. I have got bad back problems and I am looking into starting up Yoga to help with it.

  2. Congratulations, it sounds like you’ve made a great decision for you and your family! I went through something similar and went freelance last year and I’m so glad I did. It’s not easy is it, but I think it is definitely worth it. Becky x #brillblogposts

  3. Well done! It’s a huge milestone to have achieved and it sounds like it’s been the right move for you. I’m just coming up to my first anniversary of being self employed – it’s been a big adjustment for me! #brilliantblogposts

  4. This is a fabulous post! Well done on all you have achieved, and the fact that you’ve had to cut back is a great sign! I run my own little business and I find the balance tricky, but also count my lucky stars that I have so much to balance! As you say, the universe always provides! #brilliantblogposts

  5. Dear Christine,
    Thank you for sharing your story. As well as being a brilliant yoga teacher, you write so beautifully too. I became a freelance business consultant 10 years ago for the very same reasons and I have not looked back. It is a joy to put your children first and working for yourself is challenging, confidence building and so rewarding. All the best for your second year and I shall join you again in class soon.

  6. It’s funny how life can push us into doing those things we’ve always thought of doing, but never quite got there. I do believe that if things are meant to happen they will (one day).

    I think it’s wonderful that you’ve taken the step of following your dream. You never regret the things you do in life, you only regret the things you don’t (a bit of an odd saying, but very true in a lot of cases).


  7. Thanks for this Christine. I’ve just celebrated a year in business and loved that you share how it isn’t the easy option but it has its advantages, particularly round the children. Appreciate you sharing.

  8. I’ve just read this and the associated ‘childcare costs in U.K.’ post. Brilliant and oh so similar to how I feel / have felt in past few years. Have also intermittently read some of your other posts – all brilliantly written and humorous. Well done and amazing achievements in this first year. Hope we can chat more about your experience on Tuesday maybe! Best wishes for year 2!

  9. Good for you! I’ve been considering trying to get into freelance writing recently … I need to be bringing in some kind of income, as the last two years of me being a SAHM have made an impact on our finances, but I’d love to be able to work flexibly so I can be home for my daughter … your post has inspired me, thank you! 🙂 look forward to reading more of your blog! x

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