Toddlers Guide to Success – 3 fun activities to keep your Mummy busy

Originally Posted 11 May 2016

Hello my toddler friends and fans! I’m back for another guest post on my Mummy’s blog! I know it’s been way too long and you have probably missed my pearls of wisdom very much but I’ve just been so busy… Last teeth coming through, making sure everything runs smoothly at home, keeping everyone up at night… just the usual!

So today I want to talk about a very important subject. Making sure that Mummy doesn’t get bored! Why do we need to do that? It’s very simple. Busy Mummy means happy toddler! And usually snacks or TV!

I love my Mummy very much (too much is what Daddy sometimes says…) I love her so much that I feel it’s my responsibility to keep her happy and balanced! And what’s the thing that makes her happy? It’s me of course! She loves to look after me and being really busy!

If I don’t keep her busy she just plays on her phone or moves things from one place to another which is completely pointless, let’s be honest! I’m not also sure what the deal is with the washing machine… it gets way too much attention…

So think about it this way. Mummy stays at home to look after you so you need to make sure that this is what she does! It is VERY IMPORTANT not to let her get bored…. I’m repeating this as it’s so important


So here are 3 wonderful activities for you to try at home with your Mummy:

1. Toothpaste Art Work

I love painting… I’ve talked about this in my post post 8 things to do before you are two and now that I am two I love it even more!

So I’m trying to get Mummy to appreciate this and painted her bathroom. I used the lovely new blue toothpaste that she bought me and thought she would love the vibrant colour on her usually very boring sink, floor, toilet, bathtub and bathmat. I also painted myself and had a little taste! I can really recommend it!

I wanted her to paint with me of course as a fun activity to do together but instead she cleaned it all up which was fine too because it kept her busy for a while!

2. Flour Shower

My Mummy loves baking! She also loves cleaning as we have established in the first point. So find a packet of flour or baking powder (use a chair if it’s out of reach) and shower yourself and any area of the house with it! Honestly you’ll find that your Mum will scream because she loves it so much! Find an area with lots of stuff and possibly a radiator. It will make it even more fun!

It will definitely get her back to her favourite activity of cleaning after you!

3. Foundation Foot Prints

This might be more tricky if your Mummy hides her make-up. Once you know where it is wait until she looks at her phone or is “busy” moving stuff from one place to another and find the bottle with the beige stuff in it.

The one I found was a nice looking bottle so I think it must have been one of those for which she gave the lady in the shop a lot of pennies.

I started in the bathroom and then made sure that there was a little of the stuff everywhere. A good trick is to use a lot of it in one spot, dip your feet in and then do a little dance around the house! That is fun and very effective!!


Mummy was especially busy with this one! She wasn’t that happy to begin with, I have to say. There was some shouting and some bad German words but then she let me get one with my things and build towers in peace and quiet all morning!

I heard her say to Daddy that she was cleaning for two hours so that must have made her so happy!

I really want to do this one again but for some reason the beige stuff has disappeared… so have all her other magic potions (I want to try the pink ones that she puts on her toe nails)… Well I keep looking. I will find something else surely! Afterall, it is my responsibility that she has enough to do all day!

So what are your favourite activities to keep your Mummy busy?


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  1. I’m ever so sorry that did make me chuckle. Favourite ways to keep mummy busy in this house currently revolve around trying to colour in, feed, ride the cat. Hiding, stripping off and having a wee somewhere. And the classic moving things from one to cupboard to the other so they need to be found and moved back. #TheList

    1. Oh dear colouring the cat??! Yes we know about stripping off and weeing in random places too! Making mummy busy by moving stuff is another great activity, thank you 🙂

  2. This had me laughing. He looks like he has no idea either why you would be slightly upset with the mess 🙂 Luckily I haven’t experienced anything like this yet. His idea of creating work for me is by creating Jurassic Park in the lounge and then watching me try and avoid all the plastic figures as I try and seek some comfort for 5 minutes on the sofa. The minute I clear it up they are back out again! #TheList

  3. aw he looks like an angel! just like my 4 year-old that likes to keep me busy trying to feed her baby brother some ice-cream for example…He’s only 3 months-old by the way! haha


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