Inspiring Yoga Mama – Michelle Reeves

Originally Posted 3 April 2016

Spring is finally here and you might have noticed that I’ve given my blog a little bit of a spring-clean / make-over which I hope you like! I’m also continuing to look for the most amazing Inspiring Yoga Mamas to introduce to you so if you think you might be one of them then do get in touch!

Today I’ve got the pleasure of introducing the amazing Michelle Reeves (43), founder of The Joy Chaser, a wonderful blog where she shares lessons about breaking habits of negativity to find joy and happiness  and The Essex Barn, a homes and interiors blog.

Michelle is a mum of two kids (3 and 6), a yogi and a fabulous blogger! I love reading her inspiring, encouraging posts and watching her on periscope so was really excited when she agreed to be part of this series… Here is what she had to say about her yoga practice:

Michelle Reeves

What first brought you to yoga?

I first tried out yoga when I was working in the City. I’d go to the gym before work and one day I just decided to try out a class. It was quite a large class and a bit intimidating. I wasn’t at all sure I liked it and had no clue what I was doing! Since then I’ve come to love yoga and practised with teachers in China, the Maldives and now here in at home in the UK.

What style of yoga do you practice?

The weekly class I go to is Vinyasa flow. It’s a small class (usually only 3 ladies) and I come away feeling refreshed and relaxed but knowing I’ve had a workout – both mind and body – too!

What is your favourite yoga pose and why?

Well that’s an interesting question because I find it can change over time – depending on my mood or how my body is feeling. I’ve come to love downward dog but I always come back to tree pose because it grounds me, challenges me and relaxes me all at the same time.

What yoga pose would you like to perfect?

For me it’s more about progression than perfection. I think if you enter a class or yoga experience trying to be perfect you’ll be disappointed and frustrated because our bodies react differently on different days. Some days my pigeon is heavenly and others it’s a real challenge. Some days I can bind a pose easily and others I can’t.

When I first started yoga I was taught to do a headstand over time and I loved the way I felt afterwards. I haven’t practised headstands for years now and I’m a bit timid about starting again so that would be one that I’d like to move towards.

Tell us about your first ever yoga class?

As I mentioned above my first class was in a City gym and it was packed! There must have been 20 people on their mats when I arrived, either meditating or stretching. I didn’t have a clue what to do so I just sat down on one of the mats. I was wearing my usual gym kit of cycling shorts and a vest and I felt very out of place!

At the beginning of my yoga journey I was competitive and pushed myself into poses until my muscles shook, I didn’t realise that if I breathed, watched and waited over time the poses would come.

The teacher walked round the class and corrected our alignment but didn’t really speak much to anyone. At the end of the class everyone chanted OM.

I was charmed, baffled, frustrated and intrigued. My yoga journey had begun.

What do you enjoy most about yoga?

My yoga practice is about finding a space in the day that’s just for me, moving my body, listening to it, working with it. I love that it challenges both my body and my mind and that it makes me stronger and more flexible.

What does your family think about you doing yoga?

My Mother practises yoga and it’s wonderful to have that shared connection. Often if I practise at home my kids come and join me and use my downward dog as a bridge to crawl under!

What does yoga mean to you?


What do you do when you don’t do yoga?

I run two websites – The Joy Chaser which focuses on finding joy in the everyday and The Essex Barn where I share my love for our dream home, a 17th century barn in the Essex countryside.

Who inspires you and why?

I’m inspired by my amazing Mother who has overcome so much in her life and still approaches each day with positivity and vitality, by the wise words of Oprah Winfrey, the meditation journey of Andi Puddicombe and by my children, who inspire me to live in the moment and choose joy every day.

What do you feel passionate about?

I’m most passionate about sharing the lessons I’ve learned recovering from PND and moving away from the habit of negativity to inspire, inform and empower others on their journey to everyday joy. I’m excited to be able take this one step further this year with the launch of The Happiness Habits Routine eCourse.

Your advice for intimidated yoga beginners?

Watch some classes on YouTube to see what the basic poses are and to get a feel for the different styles on social media, then find a local class and go for it!


Make sure to visit Michelle’s blogs and and follow her on twitter (@thejoychaser and @theessexbarn), instagram, facebook, pinterest and perisope 

If you want to be our next Inspiring Yoga Mama then get in touch with Christine on

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    1. I know it’s so difficult to find some quite time with little kids around. I usually get a few minutes at lunch time when one of them is napping and the other is allowed to watch a bit of tv.

  1. Oh great interview with Michelle. I love her and her blog. She is so inspiring. I could do with getting back into yoga. I miss it. Thanks for sharing Michelle’s knowledge and love for yoga on #ShareWithMe

  2. I really enjoyed reading this, I so know what you mean Michelle about turning up and not knowing what is going on, and then before you know it, you are hooked!

    I find You Tube really useful for finding short times to practice, and then longer slots at a class.


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