Inspiring Yoga Mama – Michala Leyland

Originally Posted 6 March 2016

I love hearing stories about inspiring women and especially mums who’ve set up their own businesses, turned their lives around or maybe started a new career! And I love hearing about their yoga journeys which is why I came up with the idea of interviewing some inspirational women who are juggling family life, careers and yoga.

This brand new spotlight feature, Inspiring Yoga Mama, will be on the Yogaberry blog every two weeks and I’d love for you to get involved! So if you’re a mum who does yoga and if you would like to share your story with us then please get in touch!

So today I would like to introduce to you the lovely Michala Leyland, who I met on Periscope back in August last year! Michala (43) runs her own coaching business, Wood for the Trees Coaching and has two girls (8 and 10). She is a really down-to-earth, very fun and inspiring lady (winner of Online Mum of the Year!) and I’m so pleased that she agreed to be on the blog and tell us a bit more about herself and her yoga practice!


What first brought you to yoga?

I’ve practiced yoga off and on for about 8 years. I attended one off classes, dabbled in Hot Yoga (which I love), but really committed to a daily practice at home last January.

What is your favourite yoga pose and why?

My favourite poses are the warrior stances. I feel really empowered when I do them. I do laugh though because I practice first thing in the morning before the kids get up in my office. We are renovating our house so there are no curtains currently and as the sun rises I watch it but then spot people on the train station platform opposite who must be able to see me saluting the sun. I can’t wait for it to get warmer as I love to practice out in the garden. That is really invigorating.

What yoga pose would you like to perfect?

I’m currently in a phenomenal Facebook group called The Jump Through Challenge led by a Brogi Yogi :-) called Peter Thompson.

There are amazing yogis from all over the world in there, so why I am in it is a mystery, (LOL) but they have been helping me improve my chances of doing a handstand and crow. As a coach, I know it’s about setting a long term vision and taking baby steps, and the occasional leap, to get there. So I will.

What do you enjoy most about yoga?

What I love about yoga is that I love the space to just be. Holding the poses, getting the breathing flow and just flowing through sun salutations or a good warrior sequence leaves no space for the mind to chatter.

I get up early and do a gentle sequence to wake up and then do a few good vinyasa flows to start the day. I end with a little meditation and set my intentions for the day. Sometimes I’ll do an hour, sometimes 20 minutes, but I try to do it consistently.

I like having that time before the girls wake up and the day begins. It’s a bit of time for me. I sometimes do a more lengthy flow later in the day, particularly when the weather is good outside, but as the day is full on with my coaching practice, the children etc I can at least go at the day knowing I took that time for myself.

What do you feel passionate about?

I am passionate about helping women ‘sod the shoulds’ and decide what they want to be busy doing, rather then what they think they ‘should’ be doing, without the guilt.

I help them become solution focused, which helps them create emotional resilience and create a successful life that they want to live on their terms. I do this as an accredited life coach in my daily practice, as well as through social media on Facebook, Twitter and Periscope.

Your advice for intimidated yoga beginners?

Yoga is about you. No one else. It doesn’t matter who else can do what!

When you start on the mat, start with the intention of enjoying it and making gentle progress over time. If you want to, but don’t do it because you feel you should. It really is exercise for the body and the mind. I don’t know all the names and I don’t have a clue about chakras etc, I often look like a wobbly mess, but I know I enjoy engaging with the breath, attempting a pose and be so in the moment of maintaining my balance I can’t think of anything else and that as a woman with a full on life filled with the things I love doing, it is precious.

You don’t need lots of space, you don’t need lots of kit, you don’t need lots of time. Yoga builds mental and physical strength so take it a pose at a time.


You can get in touch with Michala and learn more about her coaching business then please visit her website or connect with her on Facbook, Periscope or Twitter! 

If you want to be our next Inspiring Yoga Mama then get in touch with Christine on

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