Inspiring Yoga Mama – Kinnary

Originally Posted 20 March 2016

Inspiring Yoga Mama is a feature which I run every two weeks to introduce some awesome ladies to you who practise yoga regularly alongside looking after their families and children, work and all the other stuff that we have to do!

Today’s Inspiring Yoga Mama is the lovely Kinnary (28), a Communications & PR Coordinator from the South West of France. She has a baby girl who is nearly 5 months old and like myself suffers from scoliosis.

She is also a fellow blogger documenting her yoga journey at Journal d’une Active Imparfaite. Do check out her blog if you speak French! You will feel inspired!

What style of yoga do you practice?

Ashtanga & Vinyasa. During my pregnancy it was mostly Vinyasa and Hatha yoga.

What does yoga mean to you?

Strength, Courage, Possibility & Beauty 🙂

Yoga gives me a quality of life that I never thought possible because of my health problems.

What first brought you to yoga?

A few years after I broke my back in an accident, I wanted to try Yoga but I initially contented myself with Bodybalance classes because I was afraid for my back, my scoliosis and my bones disease! Nobody around me was a yogi so I did not know where to go to ask for advice.

One day, about 3 years ago, I just decided to take a leap and went to an Ashtanga class! Even if was complicated and very rigorous, I adored it! Ever since then I can’t live without practising yoga!

Tell us about that first ever yoga class

First Time I tried “real” Yoga in a Studio was at the end of January 2014. I thought about yoga for months but I had doubts until I decided to finally get started… It was a Monday night and I was surprised that there was such a wide variety of people: men, women, different ages, a professional surfer and even a pregnant woman!

I was amazed by the fact that we learn how to breathe properly. I discovered that in each posture centimeters were not necessarily the ultimate goal but that the important thing was the approach and what we learn in the posture.

I won self-confidence and therefore to be more tolerant with myself and my body. I struggled and it was quite difficult but I definitely felt in love!

What is your favourite yoga pose and why?

Probably Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) because I feel strong in my legs and it looks as if create “space” in my spine. Priceless feeling 🙂

What yoga pose would you like to perfect?

Pashimottânâsana (straight leg seated forward bend). It would mean that my spine is well stretched and hamstrings absolutely relaxed. It’s quite difficult for me.

What do you enjoy most about yoga?

I love practicing because it’s being focused on oneself. This concentration and “prana” allows me to push my limits. And at the end of every yoga class I feel this well-being which is such a magical gift I never expected to feel one day.

What are your top tips for making time for yoga?

Yoga is essential for my health (and my mind) and I’m lucky that my husband stays with our baby while I go to the studio. It’s a priority for me to have at least 1 yoga class a week.

For a practice at home: it’s important to have somewhere nice to put the mat. Light a candle, switch off the tv and just have a good time. It’s amazing.

Who inspires you and why?

Nobody you would know. The real heroes of everyday life.

I love this quote

“The strong people are not those who show strength in front of us but those who win battles we know nothing about”.

Your advice for yoga beginners?

If you just want to do beautiful postures, keep dancing or go to a stretching class 🙂 Seriously, I’m still a beginner but you have to practice with a deep and true desire. From there everything becomes possible.

Make sure to check out Kinnary’s blog Journal d’une Active Imparfaite and connect with her on Instagram and Twitter!

If you want to be our next Inspiring Yoga Mama then get in touch with Christine on

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  1. Yoga can be beneficial, I have been to classes :- Instructor has health condition, as do participants e.g. Arthritis,, joint replacement/s etc. As instructor takes into account our health condition/s we can participate safely and enjoy the class as well as the benefits of the exercise.

    I wish I had tried yoga at a younger age and stage of my life. Baby yoga, Mama yoga and family yoga seem good ideas to me. Maybe yoga classes will become more available, accessible etc

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