Bobux Xplorer – Leo is learning to walk (Review)

Originally Posted 19 January 2015
Bobux Xplorer

Baby Leo and I have been road-testing the new Bobux Xplorer shoes so this is about how we got on with them.

In yoga we start every posture by aligning the feet as they are our foundation for everything. If we’re not standing correctly then it will affect our whole postural alignment and balance from the knees, to the hip joints and into the lower back, upper back and even the neck and the head. 

Wearing the wrong type of shoes affects our feet in a negative way and this can lead to back problems later on in life so we want to make sure we give our little ones the best start! 

Being barefoot is of course best until they take their very first steps but as we mums and dads know, this is not always practical (and can of course be rather cold) which is where the Bobux Xplorers come in! They are designed to be flexible enough to give the little ones the same benefits as being barefoot but at the same time they are extremely robust. 

Leo has just turned 1 year old and has been cruising for the last couple of months – his first steps can happen any day now! He is a very active boy, crawling and cruising around all day and is certainly not happy to stay in his stroller when I take the kids to the playground. 

The Bobux Xplorer was developed for both indoor and for outdoor use which is perfect for us! They are soft and flexible which is great when Leo is crawling indoors but they are also robust enough for when we go outdoors and he’s trying to follow his big sister around. 

I’m also very surprised that these are the first shoes that actually stay on his feet!!! He tried to briefly take them off in the beginning but didn’t manage to do it and was then really happy to keep them on! 


Before we got the shoes I had never heard of Bobux but know now, that they are a children’s shoe company from New Zealand and all their shoes are designed to support the natural development of children’s feet. The Bobux Xplorer range will be available for purchase in the UK from mid February 2015 which is great news! 

We are certainly very happy with our new shoes and would recommend them for any little ones that are nearly walking or have just started to take their first steps. They are perfect for that tricky transition phase and we can be confident that we are doing the very best for the development of our little ones’ feet!

For the purpose of this review I’ve been given these shoes free of charge, however, all opinions expressed are 100% my own. 



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  1. My older two learned to walk in the summer so could get away with being barefoot for so much longer. I’ve been really conscious of how cold it is for Amy with her learning to walk in the winter. We’re loving the Bobux at the moment 🙂
    Lovely to have you linking up with #TriedTested this week x

  2. Massive Bobux fans over here! They look super cute on your little boy, Leo. Finding shoes that stay on little feet is really hard isn’t it! We also found Bobux to be baby-proof! x

  3. What a wonderful review! My youngest is only 3 months but all her siblings were walking by 10 months and she is already doing their trick of wanting to stand all the time! It won’t be long for us, I’m sure. And these shoes look wonderful 🙂 x x

  4. We love this company and their shoes. Teddy has a lovely red pair. How exciting- first steps any day- hope you manage to catch it on film or camera 🙂

    1. I hadn’t heard of them before either. I think they are quite new on the UK market. They are really good though! Thanks for stopping by x

  5. These Look Great! My Little Girl is still sitting and not on the move but ive heard all about these for when they are 😀 Nice Review!

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