30min Yoga for Scoliosis practice

Originally Posted 27 February 2018

Scoliosis and back pain usually come hand in hand unfortunately. Staying active, increasing body awareness and core strength are really important.

I put together this brand new 30 minute Yoga for Scoliosis practice video which is suitable for beginners to help relieve the back ache and start a regular yoga routine. 

It's a little bit longer than my usual videos which are often short and focus on one or two poses in detail. This one is a general practice video suitable for all scoliosis curves. 

Before you start make sure that you have checked with your doctor that you are fine to practice yoga. This is a very gentle practice suitable for all levels but you might find some of the poses more challenging than others.

Make sure to listen to your body and any signals it is sending you. You should never feel any pain during the yoga poses! If you are completely new to yoga then there might be some sensations after the first couple of times you practice. If you feel achy then that might be a sign to take it slightly easier but your body will soon get used to the movements and will adjust. 

Understanding your Scoliosis Curve before you start can be very helpful but don't let it prevent you from getting started if you're not quite sure what curve you have. You will find more information about how to get started with Yoga for Scoliosis in this post if you are a complete beginner. 

Feel free to leave me a comment to let me know if you found it beneficial or if you have any questions. 

I hope you enjoy this one! 

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