12 Tips for Bikram Yoga beginners

Originally Posted 4 November 2014

Following on from my post about my recent Bikram Yoga experience –30 days (…16 actually) of Bikram Yoga – I’ve put together a list of my advice for absolute beginners. Some of it might be quite obvious, especially if you know already that it’s very hot… but you might still underestimate the intensity and lots of it is just practical advice that I would have liked to have had before starting my first class.

Please note that this is from the point of view of someone who has done yoga (asana) for years, but had two children in the last three years (the last one six months before this practice) so was not in shape at all – (I had also just stopped breastfeeding, which was very painful during anything where I had to lie on my tummy but that’s another story..). It’s basically for anyone who has never done this style of yoga before and might be hesitating because they don’t know what to expect:

1. Drink a lot of water before the class!

Try to drink at least 1 to 1.5 litres of water in the two hours before class. You might want to slow it down a bit from about 20min before, however, as you will just want to run to the loo as soon as the class starts!

2. Don’t wear cotton!

You will sweat A LOT and cotton soaks it all up which doesn’t feel nice at all. There is a reason why dedicated Bikram Yogis wear tiny tops and shorts! If you don’t feel comfortable being semi-naked (yet), wear synthetic running type of clothes.

3. Don’t forget your shower bag

Trust me you will want to take a shower after the class. For the sake of everyone around you, don’t use public transport if you decide to leave without taking a shower, and if you use your car then put a towel on your seat! Buying a grippy towel to put over your mat, might also be a good investment. You can usually borrow them from the studio but it’s nicer to use your own.

4. Talk to the teacher

Most people who are trying something new want to hide from the teacher, but in this case I would say try to talk to the teacher before class and make sure they know you are new to Bikram Yoga. They will most likely ask anyway once the class has started, but it’s nice to make contact beforehand if you get the chance. Also make sure you tell your teacher if you have any injuries!

5. Breath and don’t panic

You will probably want to run out straight after entering the hot (smelly) room! Remember that nothing will happen to you! If you feel like you’re about to faint just sit down and breath. If you feel like throwing up just sit down and breath. And if you really have to throw up, the loo is probably not far away!

6. Choose your mat space wisely!

Try to sit somewhere in the middle, away from the heating fans if you spot them before. It’s helpful if you can see yourself in the mirror, but you will want some people in front of you – not to hide away from the teacher but mainly to be able to copy someone if you get lost (Bikram teachers don’t demonstrate the poses). Don’t sit by the window if the sun is shining (this is usually not a problem in the UK) – you might feel like you’re a chicken roasting in the oven!

7. Listen to the teacher, but move at your own pace

I have noticed that even though Bikram yoga teachers follow a set script, their classes can be very different. Some teachers really try to push you to go further and deeper into the poses all the time. Ignore this when you’re a beginner! Just follow the instructions but move at your own pace!

8. Only do the second set for the first two classes

Even if you think you’re fit, strong and flexible, try to only do the second set for the first two classes (every pose is done twice). Alignment is very important as you can really injure yourself and if you watch the first set you can focus on getting it right in the second set.

9. Keep an open mind

You might have preformed opinions and might be very quick to judge Bikram Yoga (basically after 5 minutes when you’re already sweating so much that your cotton top is completely soaked). If you really want to experience it properly you need to keep an open mind and just go with it. Try not to fight it and be positive.

10. Try at least five classes

It is very likely that the first class is awful…. maybe even the first three classes. Try to come at least five times before you decide if it’s for you or not. It takes a while to get used to the heat. You might change your mind!

11. Get out of it what you need…

…If it’s not for you move on and take the benefits with you. You will definitely learn something.

12. Enjoy it!

You might not enjoy it straight away but you will definitely start to see the benefits soon. Your skin will feel amazing, you will start to feel stronger, full of energy, your body will start to look incredibly toned and you might even lose some weight! With all the water that you’re drinking it’s great for getting rid of all the toxins in your body!

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  1. I have been thinking about joining a local yoga class, I have just been diagnosed with osteoarthritis. Im a little nervous about it and unsure wether yoga would be beneficial to me and my aching joints!? Im an absolute novice never done yoga before I am reading your blog with great interest 🙂

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