My 8 Minute Tired Mummy Morning Practice

Originally Posted 15 December 2014

Time is always an issue when you’ve got little ones and tiredness is just inevitable! My kids are 2.5 and nearly 1 and it’s still quite rare that they both sleep through the night. I usually need something to get me going in the morning, so here is my 8 minute tired mummy practice:


1. Cat / Cow stretch

My back always feels a bit stiff first thing in the morning so this is great to wake up the spine.

I keep this pose quite dynamic so don’t hold it for long but just roll the spine gently up and down starting from the lower back, moving vertebra by vertebra up to the top.

As mums our backs have to work really hard all day, carrying toddlers and babies on one hip, picking up toys and food from the floor, bending over the bath to prevent toddler from drowning baby etc. so we have to make sure our spine is strong and healthy!

2. Triangle Pose (Utthita Trikonasana)

This is one of my favourite poses. It’s very straight forward, generally accessible to anyone (I did this throughout both pregnancies) and very powerful!

It strengthens the legs and helps to align the spine and helps to relieve stress.

I find this pose great to do if I feel slightly unbalanced. It’s very grounding and energising so great if you have a busy day ahead of you!



3. Twist (Ardha Matsyendrasana)

Again this pose helps me to wake up the spine. Twists are also great for people with scoliosis as they helps to unravel and neutralise the spine. And they can aid digestion and relieve menstrual pain!

This is a great detoxing pose as it massages the organs, provides them with fresh blood and oxygen (if you breathe throughout and are not being strangled by your toddler… of course this was a lovely big hug…) and helps to get rid of toxins.

4. Three Sun Salutations

Sun salutations are a great all-rounder and incorporate so many different poses like forward bends, back bends and inversion (downward dog).

There are lots of different ways to do sun salutations (officially I don’t think you should have a toddler on your back when going into chaturanga…) so I like to mix it up a little depending on how energetic I feel which is usually linked to how many times the kids were up at night!



5. Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chendrasana)

This pose improves the sense of balance, digestions, and can help to relieve stress.

I’m currently practising this pose because I find it quite challenging especially first thing in the morning and it’s good to not always go for what we find easiest!

It is a very energising pose and I find it gives enormous confidence (when managing to do it without falling over) and it’s very uplifting so great if you wake up feeling a bit grumpy!Â

6. Handstand

I don’t really drink coffee so this is my caffeine substitute pose! Whenever I feel a bit tired and need some energy I do a quick handstand against the wall. Especially when its time for the kids’ lunch time nap and all I want to do is curl up in bed with them but know I’ve got a million other things so do…

Not everyone likes to do a handstand first thing in the morning so like everything else here it’s my personal preference but maybe give it a go! It’s fun!

You might enjoy reading about my Journey to Handstand 🙂


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  1. So sweet (and dedicated) that you manage a yoga routine with the children climbing on you! I haven’t done any yoga since giving birth 6 months ago, and I miss it!

  2. oh I do miss yoga. I really must get back in to it. I love these moves. I especially like the little addition attached. Can imagine my two hanging off me. They normally do everywhere I go. Have a wonderful Christmas. #SundayStars 🙂 x

  3. Wow! I love your children in this too! You are so fit and making me feel so unfit! I tried yoga once and couldn’t get into it, BUT I think I would like to try again. I might start this at home! Thanks for sharing on #sundaystars and love the blog 🙂 xxx

    1. It’s not as hard as it looks! The handstand is a bit more difficult and I’ve been practising for a long time… The just takes a bit of practice but makes such a big difference 🙂

  4. This post is great! My children try to exercise and do yoga with me, but usually they end up bouncing on my belly or rolling around giggling. They are each getting their own yoga mats for christmas this year though, because they do really enjoy doing it with me =) #sundaystars

    1. I love that they are getting their own mats!! Great idea! Yes it’s sometimes hard to do anything properly if they just want to bounce around on you… But still fun to do sometimes

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